The Sliced Pixel Project

The Sliced Pixel Project is a self initiated project that started in 2009 and later became one of my most appreciated works. This project is all about simplicity, only including what’s absolutly necessary, yet at the same time preserving as much detail as possible.

With this technique I used the most basic elements in todays graphic design; the pixel. The pixels were sliced in half, and with the sliced pixels I created numerous animal heads. Up-close all you see is triangles, but when you look from a distance, the big picture becomes clear.

The Sliced Pixel Technique isn't a 'one-button' effect, although there's some software available that tries to mimic the effect, the original Sliced Pixel images are made in (Adobe) Illustrator using a grid. Every triangle has been colored one by one.

Sliced Pixel Stag Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Fox Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Leopard Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Tiger Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Giraffe Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Gorilla Victor van Gaasbeek

"His graphics may look like overly stretched pictures, but that’s entirely the point—you need to see beyond the surface until the details fall into place. Works like magic, but really—it’s all in the technique."


Sliced Pixel Bear Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Zebra Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Elephant Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Flamingo Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Owl Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Badger Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Duck Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Tucan Victor van Gaasbeek
Sliced Pixel Parrot Victor van Gaasbeek